Facebook Auction March 21st through March 31st
Join us for our annual spring auction. This is a great way to help the bunnies and win great items. If you would like to donate and item, service or experience please send us an email so we can get a pick up or drop off scheduled. More information to come.
Annual Plant Sale Saturday May 10th 11am-3pm
Join us for our annual plant sale. This will include potted outdoor plants, indoor plants, veggie starts and other gifts for yourself or a special person in your life. Donations of these items are always welcome. Just send us an email with what you would like to donate and we can get a pick up or drop off scheduled. More information to come.
Annual Summer Yard Sales June 27th through August 3rd
Join us for 3 amazing yard sales to benefit the rescue. Yard Sales will be on different weekends Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Details of what weekends TBA. We will be taking donations starting in June. We also will need volunteers to help setup and help with the sales. Please let us know if you are interested in helping. If you are wanting to donate items please send us a message or email to schedule a pick up or drop off. More information to come.